Our investment strategy spans the entirety of the corporate credit market, encompassing public loans, bonds, and private debt financings.
We are a credit-focused asset management firm, dedicated to safeguarding capital and delivering attractive risk-adjusted returns to our clients irrespective of market volatility.

Our credit strategies encompass a wide range of liquid and illiquid instruments sourced from borrowers and public markets alike, including high yield bonds, convertible securities, leveraged loans, structured credit instruments, distressed debt and private debt. With a focus on rated and non-rated sub-investment grade issuers in developed and emerging markets, our bottom-up fundamental credit analysis and firm-wide investing expertise over multiple market cycles provide us with a distinct competitive edge



Our business has a deep reservoir of credit and industry expertise. With an average of 11 years of industry experience, our investment professionals have operated through multiple industry cycles and have developed a long-term view of the market.


Our platform’s scale provides a competitive edge in sourcing exclusive investment opportunities and negotiating favorable investment terms. With flexible solutions, we’ve established enduring partnerships with sponsors and companies worldwide to facilitate growth and success in today’s market.


We differentiate ourselves by providing credit solutions that are not readily accessible in other markets. Our competitive edge stems from the diverse expertise we bring to the table, encompassing loans, investment grade and high yield bonds, structured credit, mezzanine financing, and opportunistic/distressed lending.



We invest across a broad range of public and private credit opportunities, offering bespoke structured credit solutions and providing flexibility to investors across market cycles. Our approach is designed to deliver compelling risk-adjusted returns regardless of market conditions.

__High Yield and Investment Grade Bonds

Members of our team began working together prior to AncoraOak as managers of high yield bonds, since the time of their emergence as an investment specialty. Our high yield bond strategies seek to achieve superior risk-adjusted returns by investing in performing bonds of creditworthy North American and European corporations. Globally, our team’s approach emphasizes fundamental credit analysis as the route to superior risk control.